Pepe Cabello
Coach and Wellness PromoterHealthy EntrepreneurshipBusinesses that give Life
Ecological footprint
The responsibility to take care of the planet begins with small details
By optimizing the use of printed material, you contribute to reducing the greenhouse effect, deforestation and help to reduce the water and oil consumption. Contact Information
You can contact directly by pressing the desired icon.
Direct phone:
Messenger Facebook:
Video conferencing:
Corporate Data
NIF: B56116346
Share this Digital Card
You can easily share this digital card in any of the informed systems that you have enabled on your device.
Share this digital card in communication systems: WhatsApphttps://api.whatsapp.com/?text=Access+the+Digital+Card+from+the+following+link%3A+https%3A%2F%2Fibercard.pro%2FpepecabelloTelegramSMS Share this digital card on Social Media: FacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterest Other ways to share this Digital Card:
You can send this digital card by email. This includes a shortcut and a vCard format to download it.
Location Data Copy link
By clicking the button Copy link, you will save in the clipboard of your device the URL to access the Digital card. You can use it in any email, browser or communication system.
URL to access the digital card:
QR vCard
Scan QR code with your mobile to add the cardholder´s data to your contacts. (Photo is not included)
Use the camera of your smartphone or a QR reader to access the digital card. Delivery card without internet Save the QR image in your mobile so you can deliver it when you can not connect to internet. Save
Download the vCard if you want to add the data of this card to your contacts on any device. (Photo is included)
In some versions of iPhone it is possible that the card is not saved if you press OK. when you see the card on the phone, scroll down in the access to the card and at the end appears the option CREATE CONTACT in the iPhone menu, click on it before pressing OK to ensure that your card is saved. Access and check. Delivery card without internet Save the QR image in your mobile so you can deliver it when you can not connect to internet. Add to home screen
You can save this digital card in the home screen of your mobile and download it to add to your contact list.
Add to home screen
To add this card in your Android mobile from Google Chrome web browser.
Apple iOS - iPhone
To add this card in your iPhone from the Safari Web browser.
Apple iOS - iPad
To add this card in your iPad from the Safari Web browser.
QR card access
Use the camera of your smartphone or a QR reader to access the digital card.
Remember that when accessing the card you must save it to be able to access it later. Use the QR vCard option if you want to save the card data in contacts. Add to contact list
Download the vCard if you want to add the data of this card to your contacts on any device. (Photo is included)
In some versions of iPhone it is possible that the card is not saved if you press OK. when you see the card on the phone, scroll down in the access to the card and at the end appears the option CREATE CONTACT in the iPhone menu, click on it before pressing OK to ensure that your card is saved. Access and check. QR VCard Use the QR vCard option if you want to save the card data in contacts.
Send by email
Ibercard is not necessarily responsible for the content that can be accessed through this service. The company that contract our services and the owner are the ones that have exclusive responsability for what they publish or link. ID: 647e170e
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